Custard and Jelly Dessert
There is nothing better than custard with jelly. This easy dessert recipe lets you enjoy a creamy, sweet treat in minutes.
Custard and jelly desserts are often wheeled out at our family gatherings in Greece. Deceptively simple, they’re the kind of recipe everyone thinks they can tackle - only to result in layers of custard creeping off in a different direction to some unset jelly - a real mess.
The great news is, the recipe really is simple, when you’ve got a solid one! It’s a perfect accompaniment to a summer’s afternoon in the sun, drinking a frappé and chatting with family (as I hope to be doing back in Greece in August!)
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Wow! Looks so refreshing!

The most fantastic dessert I’ve ever made! Although, it took me two tries to make sure that cream stayed at the bottom and jelly was on top. Step 9 is key!!!
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